Our adventure on Friday: doctor's visit and s-h-o-t-s. I think when Brock is old enough to know what shots are, I will let them be a little secret between the nurse and me until the moment comes. Why stress a kid out? I may not have to worry about it though. He had to get two shots, and he did awesome. First prick....no tears. Second prick....3 seconds of silence...delayed reaction...tears...mommy picked him up....done. We took some Tylenol just to be safe and took it easy for the day. He sure did take it like a little man. I love the Band-Aids on the thighs. What a tough cookie!
Thanks for the pretty quilt, Aunt Tommi Sue! |
Okay mom, you can take my picture...again. |
Is that a Jesus Fish on my Baby's shirt? Well if it isn't....it sure does look like one from where I'm sitting. Love you Brockster! Love ya Beck! Love ya Jase!