Have you ever heard of Dunstan Baby Language? The idea is that all babies cry using 5 "words" and each one has a specific meaning.
1) Neh = Hungry
2) Owh = Sleepy
3) Heh = Needs a Diaper Change
4) Eh = Needs a Burp
5) Eairh = Has Gas Pain
I was so intrigued by this, albeit skeptical. I watched videos on YouTube, took notes, and listened to see if Brock spoke this universal baby language. I don't think he does. Guess he didn't get the memo. I have learned his sleepy cry, though, and it's pretty obvious. It's the one that sounds like he's too tired to cry. If you're interested, you can watch Dunstan Baby Language Lesson 1 on YouTube. If not, you can check out Brock speaking his own baby language :)
You're such a good mommy!!!!! Isn't that little Lamb the one Debbie and her family sent you with the book? Ahhhhhh! Love the videos sweetie girl. Maybe Brock will be a linguist when he grows up. :)