I don't know how early you can start teaching a child to swim. I will research this. But we got a good start yesterday...our first trip to the kiddie pool. This is one of the benefits of living in the South. It is the end of October, and we can go swimming. 80 degree weather + swimmer diapers from Grannie = an afternoon at the pool...despite the chilly water. He stood in the kiddie pool. He sat in the kiddie pool. I held him and let him float in the kiddie pool. Did he like it? Well, he didn't cry. I thought about blowing in his face and dunking him for a second, but I thought I better not push it. Overall, I'd say our first trip to the pool was a success.
Hmmm...that was much colder than the bathtub. |
Is this gonna happen every time I don't finish my nap? |
Sweet, he will be ready for the beach trip in no time :)