Our friends, Katie and Trevor Almy, have a little girl, Karis, with a neurological disorder called Krabbe Disease. Karis was born on June 29. 2009 a seemingly healthy baby. When she was about 6 months old, she starting having trouble holding food down, stopped eating, began to experience delays in development and was diagnosed with Krabbe. Now she has a feeding tube, is on daily pain medication, and always has lots of doctor and therapy appointments. God opened a door for the Almys to participate in a study at UNC recently where they found out that Karis doesn't have the typical Krabbe gene mutation responsible for the disease's high infant mortality rate, but she does have fluid on her brain which is unrelated to the Krabbe and could be causing some of Karis's developmental problems. Karis is back in the hospital awaiting brain surgery to insert a shunt for the fluid. This family's unwavering faith is amazing; through all their pain and suffering, they continue to care for their daughter, acknowledge God's sovereignty, and trust His plan for their lives. Please lift Karis up in prayer at 6:29 whenever you think of her (6/29 is her birthday, so this is a neat way to remember each day). Read more about the Almys at

Update 09/13/10: Karis was admitted for surgery today, a day earlier than expected due to an opening in the schedule (answer to prayer). Surgery was a success and she is recovering back in her hospital room. Doctors expect she will be able to go home later this week. Praise God! Please continue to pray for a quick recovery.
Hello my darlilng girl, this is your mama. I love you so much. I'm thankful, so thankful, that God has answered your prayers.....and btw thanks for praying for us while we were in Milwaukee. God is Good....All the time! and btw, btw.....Dawn is following your blog :) I love you Boo. See you soon. Ma.