Today is Tuesday. The Walkers moved to Canada a week ago. Seems like forever since we've seen them. We knew it would be hard to let them go, so we squeezed in every minute we could with them before they left...road trip the weekend before, lunch at our favorite pizza place on Sunday, one last Taco Tuesday, dinner and a slumber party on their last night, and then breakfast, photo shoot, and a travel goody bag before they pulled out last Tuesday morning.
They left on a Tuesday. It had been our summer tradition to eat homemade tacos with our friends every Tuesday night--Taco Tuesday. We would all gather at the Walkers' and bring some sort of taco-appropriate food. Krystle would put it all together and we would take our plates buffet-style through their little kitchen.
Now I know they probably didn't mean to, but the Walkers moved out of the country on a TUESDAY! And even though we invited the rest of the gang over that night, no one could come eat tacos with us. The Walkers were gone, and Jason and I ate our tacos alone, in mourning. We even cried. We cried when we hugged the Walkers goodbye that morning, we cried again on the way home from work that night, and we cried after we ate our tacos.

But this is a new week and it promises to be much better. Why, you ask? Are the Walkers loading up the Penske and heading back to the lower 48 for Taco Tuesday tonight? Nope (although if Canada doesn't work out, we're hoping to lure them down to Florida with us). This is a better week because we have joined the world of video chatters. Thank you Lord for Skype!

What is it about video chatting that makes it seem like you really are together instead of in different countries? I mean, we've talked on the phone with the Walkers lots of times since they left, but last night in the comfort of our own home, we didn't just talk. We hung out with them for an hour. Maybe it was seeing them on their couch...the couch we used to sit on for Taco Tuesday, where we watched "Big Bang" every Monday night after singing the theme song together, where the girls curled up with our Snuggies and the boys ate snacks on the tray contraption that folded down from the middle cushion, where Bun Bun used to get in trouble for playing hide-and-seek. Maybe it was seeing their familar gestures and facial expressions that we could only imagine before. Maybe it was seeing all of us in our comfy clothes, girls with no make-up and ready for bed, the way we usually were when we'd drop in on each other unannounced. Whatever the reason, it made my week. We love the Walkers. We love Skype. Maybe tonight we'll even have Taco Tuesday together!